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Most of our research work is published in the form of Halden Work Reports (HWRs), which are normally available to Halden Project members only, although exceptions can be made, and HWRs can normally be freely distributed after five years. HWRs are not listed here.
Our work is occasionally presented at conferences and in journals and this page lists such open papers and articles.
Chizhov, K., Sneve, M. K, Szoke, I. et al. (2014) 3D simulation as a tool for improving the safety culture during remediation work at Andreeva Bay, Journal of Radiological Protection, 34 755–773, doi:10.1088/0952-4746/34/4/755
Szoke, I., Louka, M.N., Bryntesen, T.-R., Edvardsen, S.T., and Bratteli, J. (2014) Comprehensive support for nuclear decommissioning based on 3D simulation and advanced user interface technologies. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, doi:10.1080/00223131.2014.951704
Szoke, I., Louka, M.N., Bryntesen, T.-R., Bratteli, J., Edvardsen, S.T., Rø Eitrheim, K.K., and Bodor, K. (2014) Real-time 3D radiation risk assessment supporting simulation of work in nuclear environments. Journal of Radiological Protection, 34 389–416 (2), doi:10.1088/0952-4746/34/2/389
Fernandes, A., Reegård, K., Drøivoldsmo, A., Simensen, J.E., Rindahl, G. (2014) Development of telemedicine in oil & gas through the capabilities approach. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics AHFE 2014, Kraków, Poland 19-23 July 2014.
Mark, N.-K. (2014) NKS-R Decommissioning Seminar 2013, ISBN 978-87-7893-375-1, (NKS-299). Roskilde : Nordisk Kernesikkerhedsforskning.
Farkas, Á., & Szoke, I. (2013) Simulation of bronchial mucociliary clearance of insoluble particles by computational fluid and particle dynamics methods. Inhalation Toxicology, 25(10), 593–605.
Szőke, I., Johnsen, T. (2013) Human-centred radiological software techniques supporting improved nuclear safety. Nuclear Safety and Simulation 4 (3), 219-225.
Rindahl, G. (2013) Procedures and practices – challenges for decommissioning management and teamwork. In Planning, Management and organizational aspects of the decommissioning of nuclear facilities (IAEA-TECDOC-1702). Vienna, Austria: IAEA.
Rindahl, G., Skjerve, A.B.; Sarshar, S.; Braseth, A.O. (2013) Promoting safer decisions in future collaboration environments - mapping of information and knowledge onto a shared surface to improve onshore planner's hazard identification. In Albrechtsen, E. and Besnard, D. (eds.) Oil and Gas, Technology and Humans : Assessing the Human Factors of Technological Change, ISBN 978-1-4094-5600-1. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, p. 169-181.
Gustavsen, M.A. and Louka, M.N. (2012) Supporting Human Factors Engineering Design Review Activities Using Virtual Control Room Mockups. In Proceedings of the Eighth American Nuclear Society International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies, NPIC&HMIT 2012, San Diego, CA, July 2012. LaGrange Park, IL: American Nuclear Society.
Szoke, I., Louka, M.N., Mark, N.K., Bryntesen, T.R., Bratteli, J., Edvardsen, S.T., Gustavsen, M.A., Toppe, A.L., Johnsen, T. Rindahl, G. (2012) New software tools for dynamic radiological characterisation and monitoring in nuclear site. In Proceedings of OECD NEA Workshop on Radiological Characterisation for Decommissioning, Studsvik, Sweden 17-19 April 2012. Paris, France: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency.
Szoke, I. et al. (2012) 3D-modelling of radon-induced cellular radiobiological effects in bronchial airway bifurcations: Direct versus bystander effects, International Journal of Radiation Biology, June 2012, Vol. 88, No. 6 : Pages 477-492
Sarshar, S., Skjerve, A.B., Rindahl, G. and Hermansen, B. (2011) Quality Aspects in Planning of Maintenance and Modification on Offshore Oil and Gas Installations. In Proceedings of ESREL 2011 Annual Conference, Troyes, France, September 18.-22. 2011
Skjerve, A., Rindahl, G. (2011) Teamwork Competencies Required by Members of Integrated Operations Teams in the Petroleum Industry. In Proceedings of ESREL 2011 Annual Conference, Troyes, France, September 18.-22. 2011
Kaarstad, M., Rindahl, G. (2011) Shared collaboration surfaces to support adequate team decision processes in an Integrated Operations setting. In Proceedings of ESREL 2011 Annual Conference, Troyes, France, September 18.-22. 2011
Mark, N.-K. (2011) Use of Virtual Reality Technology for Radiation Visualisation and Real-Time Dose Calculation during the Remediation at Adreeva Bay in Russia. In Proceedings of the Man-Technology-Organisation Sessions at the 2011 Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, Sandefjord, Norway. Halden, Norway: OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Drøivoldsmo, A. and Louka, M.N. (2011) Virtual Reality Tools for Testing Control Room Concepts. In B. G. Liptak (ed.), Instrument Engineers' Handbook: Process Software and Digital Networks (Volume 3, 4th Edition), ISBN 9781439817766. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press LLC.
Louka, M.N. (2011) Augmented and Virtual Reality Research in Halden 1998 – 2008. In A. B. Skjerve & A. Bye (Eds.), Simulator-Based Human Factors Studies Across 25 Years, ISBN 9780857290021. London, UK: Springer-Verlag London Ltd. pp.287-302.
Louka, M.N. and Rindahl, G. (2010) A Comparative Study of Radiation Visualization Techniques for Interactive 3D Software Applications. In Proceedings of the Seventh American Nuclear Society International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies, NPIC&HMIT 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 7-11, 2010. LaGrange Park, IL: American Nuclear Society.
Rindahl, G. and Mark, N.K. (2010) Motivational Challenges in Decommissioning and Transition and some possible actions and technologies to mitigate them. Presentation at NKS seminar on Decommissioning of nuclear facilities 14-16 of September, 2010, Nyköping, Sweden
Vabø, R., Piotrowski, L & Rindahl, G. (2010) 3D representation of radiosotopic dose rates within nuclear plants for improved radioprotection and plant safety. In International Journal on Nuclear Safety and Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 127-133, (June 2010).
Kaarstad, M., Rindahl, G., Torgersen, G.-E., Drøivoldsmo, A. and Skjerve, A.B. (2009) Interaction and Interaction Skills in an Integrated Operations Setting. In Proceedings of the 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, 914 August 2009. Beijing, China: International Ergonomics Association.
Skjerve, A. B. Rindahl, G., Randem, H. O., Sarshar, S. and Kaarstad, M., (2009) Facilitating Adequate Prioritization of Safety Goals in Distributed Teams at the Norwegian Continental Shelf. In Proceedings of the 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, 914 August 2009. Beijing, China: International Ergonomics Association.
Jokstad, H., Louka, M.N., and Tsuiki, M. (2008). The Core Dimension. Nuclear Engineering International, 53 (652), November 2008, 2123.
Rindahl, G. and Mark, N.-K. F. (2008) VRDose and Emerging 3D Software Solutions to Support Decommissioning Activities: Experiences and expectations from development and deployment of innovative technology. In Innovative and Adaptive Technologies in Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities (IAEA-TECDOC-1602). Vienna, Austria: IAEA.
Piotrowski. L. and Rindahl, G. (2008) 3D Representation of Isotopic Gamma-Radiation Exposures within Nuclear Plants for Improved Radioprotection and Plant Safety. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Symbiotic Nuclear Power 2008. Harbin, China: Harbin Engineering University.
Meyer, G., Louka, M. N., and Helgar, S. (2008) Role-play in Collaborative Virtual Environments to Support Control Room Procedure Validation. In Proceedings of the Man-Technology-Organisation Sessions at the 2008 Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, Loen, Norway. Halden, Norway: OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Rindahl, G. and Piotrowski, L. (2008) Innovative technologies to improve the safety and efficiency of decommissioning activities. In Proceedings of the Man-Technology-Organisation Sessions at the 2008 Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, Loen, Norway. Halden, Norway: OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Lebedev, V., Mitrofanov, S. Slonimsky, V., Aliev, A., Borsky, Y., Malkin, S., Rakitin, I., Schukin, A., Gramotkin, I., Bilik, A., Medintsov, V., Kuchunsky, V., Illichov, A., Bratteli, J., Edvardsen, S. T., Johnsen, T., Louka, M. N. , Mark, N.-K., Meyer, G., Rekvin, S., and Øwre, F. (2007) VR technology used in planning, training, and presentation of operations, maintenance, and decommissioning at ChNPP and LNPP RBMKs. In Proceedings of the Man-Technology-Organisation Sessions at the 2007 Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, Storefjell, Norway. Halden, Norway: OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Gustavsen, M. A., Louka, M. N., and Rindahl, G. (2007) Multiresolution Techniques for Virtual Terrains to Support Emergency and Wide-Area Operations Planning. In Proceedings of the Man-Technology-Organisation Sessions at the 2007 Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, Storefjell, Norway. Halden, Norway: OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Meyer, G. (2007) Three-Dimensional Simulation of Maintenance Activities for Planning and Evaluation. In Proceedings of the Man-Technology-Organisation Sessions at the 2007 Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, Storefjell, Norway. Halden, Norway: OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Louka, M. N., Gustavsen. M. A., and Edvardsen, S. T. (2006) Using Virtual Reality to Support Multi-participant Human-Centered Design Processes for Control Room Design. In Proceedings of 5th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology (NPIC&HMIT 2006) at the American Nuclear Society 2006 Meeting, November 12-16, 2006, Albuquerque, NM, USA: American Nuclear Society.
Rindahl, G., Johnsen, T., Mark, N-Kr. F., and Meyer, G. (2006) Virtual Reality in Planning and Operations from Research Topic to Practical Issue. In Proceedings of 5th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology (NPIC&HMIT 2006) at the American Nuclear Society 2006 Meeting, November 12-16, 2006, Albuquerque, NM, USA: American Nuclear Society.
Nystad, E., and Strand, S. (2006) Using virtual reality technology to include field operators in simulation and training. Paper presented at the Canadian Nucelar Society 27th Annual Conference, June 11-14 2006. IFE/HR/E-2006/008.
Sebok, A., Nystad, E. (2006) Procedural Training in Virtual Reality: A Comparison of Technology Types. In Proceedings of 5th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology (NPIC&HMIT 2006) at the American Nuclear Society 2006 Meeting, 12-16 November 2006, Albuquerque, NM, USA: American Nuclear Society.
Rindahl, G., Mark, N.K.F., and Meyer, G. (2006) VR in decommissioning projects Experiences, lessons learned and future plans. Proc. International conference on Lessons Learned from Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities and the Safe Termination of Nuclear Activities, IAEA, Athens.
V. Slonimsky, S. Mitrofanov, I. Razumov, V. Lebedev, A. Aliev, I. Rakitin, Y. Borsky, D. Kalinin, A. Schukin, D. Privalova, S. Lyalyueva, Bratteli, J., Johnsen, T., Mark, N.Kr. F., Øwre, F., Olsen, A. and Louka, M. N. (2005) Simulator and Procedure Training System based on VR used in Safety Critical Training at Russian NPPs. In Proceedings of the Man-Technolofy-Organisation Sessions at the 2005 Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, Lillehammer, Norway (HPR-365 Vol. 1.). Halden, Norway: OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Louka, M. N. (2005) CollabVE: A Research and Development Platform for Collaborative Virtual Environments. In Proceedings of the Man-Technolofy-Organisation Sessions at the 2005 Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, Lillehammer, Norway (pp.C1.13, HPR-365 Vol. 1.). Halden, Norway: OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Nystad, E. (2005). Improved human performance in maintenance by using virtual reality tools: experimental results and future applications. Paper presented at the CSNI Workshop 'Better Nuclear Plant Maintenance: Improving Human and Organisational Performance', Ottawa, Canada, 3-5. October 2005.
Nystad, E. & Sebok, A. (2004) A comparison of two presence measures based on experimental results. In M. A. Raya and B. R. Solaz (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Workshop Presence 2004. Valencia, Spain: Technical University of Valencia.
Iguchi, Y., Kanehira, Y. Tachibana, M. Johnsen, T. (2004) Development of Decommissioning Engineering Support System (DEXUS) of the Fugen Nuclear Power Plant. In Journal of Nuclear Science and Technoloy, Vol 41., No.3, pp. 367-375. Tokyo, Japan : Atomic Energy Society of Japan.
Iguchi, Y., Louka, M.N., & Johnsen, T. (2004) VRdose: An Exposure Dose Evaluation System based on Virtual Reality Technology - Current Status and Future Possibilities, In Proceedings of 2004 Enlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting. Halden, Norway: OECD Halden Reactor Project.
Louka, M. N. (2004) Augmented and Virtual Reality Research and Development. Presented at Atomic Energy Society of Japan Workshop, 15-17th September, 2004. Tokyo, Japan : Atomic Energy Society of Japan.
Sebok, A. & Nystad, E. (2004) Design and Evaluation of Virtual Reality Systems: A Process to Ensure Usability. In Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Design and Evaluation Workshop 2004, 22-23 January 2004, University of Nottingham.
Sebok, A., Nystad, E., & Helgar, S. (2004) Navigation in desktop virtual environments: An evaluation and recommendations for supporting usability. Virtual Reality, 8(1), 26-40.
Sebok, A., Louka, M. N., Drøivoldsmo, A., and Helgar, S. (2003) Supporting Control Centre Design with Virtual Reality. Presented at HFES Europe Chapter Meeting on Human Factors in Design in Lund Sweden, October 2003. Lund, Sweden: HFES Europe Chapter. Also in de Waard, D., Brookhuis, K., and Weikert, C. (eds.) Human Factors in Design. ISBN 90-423-0249-6 (in press - 2004). Maastrict, The Netherlands: Shaker Publishing.
Drøivoldsmo, A. and Louka, M. N. (2002) Virtual Reality Tools for Testing Control Room Concepts. In ed. B. G. Liptak (ed.), Instrument Engineers' Handbook: Process Software and Digital Networks (Volume 3, 3rd Edition). Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press LLC. pp.209-306.
Drøivoldsmo, A., Johnsen, T., Louka, M. N., and Reigstad, M.(2002) Using wearable equipment for an augmented presentation of radiation. Presented at EPRI Wireless Conference, Orlando, Florida, 19-21 November 2002. IFE/HR/E-2003/002.
Iguchi, Y. and Rindahl, G. (2002). Development of decommissioning support system using VR Technology. In Proceedings of Japan-Halden MMS workshop. Kyoto, Japan: Symbio Community Forum, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University. pp. 74-77.
Durante, R., Sepielli, M., Louka, M. N., and Rindahl, G. (2002). VirtualDecom: A Project for Virtual Dismantling of Plutonium Glove Boxes on Decommissioning. In Proceedings of Japan-Halden MMS workshop. Kyoto, Japan: Symbio Community Forum, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University.
Khoudiakov, M., Slonimsky, V., Mitrofanov, S., Razumov, I., Lebedev, V., Aliev, A. Rakitin, I., Malkin, S., Borsky, Y., Kalinin, D., Schukin, A., Privalova, D., Bratteli, J., Johnsen, T., Kvilesjø, H. Ø., Mark, N-K., Øwre, F. (2002) RBMK Full Scope Simulator Gets Virtual Refuelling Machine. In Proceedings of 2005 EHPG Meeting. Session C5-3. Halden, Norway, OECD Halden Reactor Project.
G. Rindahl, T. Johnsen, F.Øwre and Y.Iguchi., ‘‘Virtual Reality Technology and Nuclear Decommissioning,’’ Proc. Int. Conf. on Safe Decommissioning for Nuclear Activities, IAEA, Berlin, (2002).
Louka, M. N., and Balducelli, C. (2001) Virtual Reality Tools for Emergency Operation Support and Training. In Proceedings of TIEMS 2001 (The International Emergency Management Society), Oslo, June 2001.
Drøivoldsmo, A., Helgar, S., Nystad, E., Johnsen, T., Louka, M. N., and Seregi, L.(2000) Verification of workplace design guidelines for the control room: Can virtual reality replace the physical mock-up? In K.I. Fostervold & T. Endestad (Eds.), Proceedings of Nordiska Ergonomisalskapets Årskonferanse, 2000. Stockholm, Sweden: Nordiska Ergonomisalskapet. pp. 73-77.
Louka, M. N., Holmstrøm, C., Øwre, F. (1998) Human Factors Engineering and Control Room Design Using a Virtual Reality Based Tool for Design and Testing. Presented at WRSM Õ98, the 26th Water Reactor Safety Information Meeting, October 26-28, 1998, Bethesda, Maryland.
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