- Intended primarily for visualising results of Geant4-based DESIRE radiation predictions for ESA’s Columbus module, part of the International Space Station
- Reads data from the DESIRE system in an open XML format
- Presents user with interactive 3D virtual environment
- Rapid, easily comprehensible, visual overview of results
- Radiation flux and dose data produced by DESIRE
- RadVis makes no predictions about radiation flux or dose, but does calculate total effective dose based on input data
- Supports ISO VRML 97 and ISO X3D 3D geometry
- 3D geometry of Columbus module included
- and a background scene depicting the earth, sun and stars
- After opening a DESIRE “project file” containing data
- User can freely navigate in a virtual environment
- View the ESA Columbus module from any angle…
- …overlaid with 3D visualisation of radiation flux or dose levels
- Visualise alpha, beta, gamma-radiation, protons, neutrons, ionising particles and flux
- As individual radiation species
- As combined total effective dose rate
- And with relevant properties displayed
- User can quickly switch between three different visualisation strategies to gain a complete overview of the radiation situation
- Edges/isosurphases
- Slice/cutting plane
- Volume/volumetric plot
- includes directional data and a de-cluttering method to improve visibilty/usability
- Virtual dosimeter
- Attached to the camera or freely moveable, independently of the view in the virtual environment
- Predefined viewpoints (top bottom, left, right, front, back) to facilitate navigation
- Configurable colour ranges for colour-coding the visualised data
- Linear, logarithmic, or exponential distribution
- Select between maximum, estimated or minimum data values to visualize error margins
- Save snapshots of the virtual environment
- Can be used to illustrate reports and presentations
- User can manage a list of project files that can be easily loaded in sequence
- 3D geometry models referenced in project files can be located on remote web servers
- Geometry can reside on a password protected server
- Online user manual facility